Based on the famous fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by the Brothers Grimm, P. F. Marino has created a setting for wind quintet. Together with singer Franziska Heinzen, ensemble fokus will perform this piece for the young and old guests.

The ensemble fokus will perform "Puss in Boots" in two different versions. On the one hand as a moderated concert, where young and old can enthusiastically listen to the story and the music.
For the musical education of children ensemble fokus has also developed an interactive concept in which the children themselves become participants. In specially developed workshops, suitable activities are developed and practised together with the students. The result of the workshops is then performed at the concert. This project is particularly interesting for school classes or for holiday pass groups as part of their musical education.

Das Stück «Der gestiefelte Kater» wurde in der moderierten Fassung am 13.02.23 im Altersheim Brig-Glis aufgeführt.
Mit der Primarschule Brig wurde im Februar respektive die interaktive Fassung einstudiert und aufgeführt.


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